The Best for You

Foot Reflexology

Mainly the foot and ankle massage feasible. Through the reflex zones of the foot, will affect all systems of the body. Foot massage helps to relieve stress and improve blood circulation in case of cold feet. Foot reflexology is said to be an art coming from China, Egypt and India, based on the belief that the zones of the footspots correspond to a variety of organs and parts of the body. The inner part of the foot is, for example, in direct contact with the back and the spine.

Massage of the feet relaxes, refreshes the body and gives the feeling of ease to the leg. The effect is the same as massage of the entire body, so it can be done as a special massage, but also within another massage, as well as recreation.

Foot Massage is a massage that combines movements from classic relaxing massage and somewhat reflexotherapy. Since we are on our feet for a lifetime, this massage is unusually refreshing in our uncomplicated dress. Special attention is paid to the tendons and the ankle wrist to increase mobility and reduce the pain in the lower leg.

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